Self Perpetuating Egos
World Governance by Personality Cult
Have we learned nothing? Are
we still subject to the dictates of instinct, essentially foraging
primates set loose in a fragile paradise, ruled by outdated notions of
pack-minded primacy and destructive competitiveness? How could the
overwhelming majority of modern humankind remain dominated by a greedy
few at the summit of today’s essentially feudal and pyramidally
structured societies?
this simply an inevitable result of random selection by a natural
order of genetic ruthlessness, or perhaps an unalterable and divinely
inspired structure, as multitudes have been entrained to believe? Either
way, a more vitally important primordial question remains, lurking at
the core of a nested series of intentions, a glass onion of truths
which bright or enlightened individuals oft come to behold - Do we have a choice between destinies?
of the world’s bloating population has already achieved an
unparalleled zenith of advancement, after long ages of glacial change
in historically static (e)states that kept advancements to a
controllable minimum. We are the recipients of the true blessing of the
present, freely donated by countless generations who have bequeathed
to us all that we are, have and dream. All that we see or seem has been
dreamed into being through by our ancestors’ shared imagination and
unending application.
freedom and general well being have spread at unprecedented rates; yet
amidst the glittery trappings and mesmerising novelty of our
hyper-accelerating cultures many or most of us remain half asleep,
semi-hypnotised and/or numbed much of the time; much as Alvin Toffler
predicted decades ago in Future Shock (a disarmingly prophetic
title). Yet this is hardly a modern phenomenon. Without regular deep
self-reflection all we domesticated primates revert to a default state
of retreat to blindingly obvious habits. Freedom is a conscious state of being.
pecking orders are shaped by the branches of a tree, which diminish
with height; the summit is a cold and lonely place, but the further a
brown-nosing monkey can climb up the ladder of success - grasping and
dodging until they’re totally paranoid and ruthlessly grim - the less
crap falls on them from above. It’s hardly a surprise that we’re still
subjected to the whims of self perpetuating dynasties – lineages glutted
with unearned privilege and hollow prestige, where one eyed men rule in kingdoms of the blinded, halted and lamed.
the lands of corporate delusion a moribund trio of unwise monkeys –
self-blinding, self-deafening, self-dumbing down aspects of terrified,
overborne primates - ensure nothing of consequence will change in the
world. Real change can’t come until we each recognise the
interconnectedness and inherent nobility of all people, all animals, and
all the things we take for granted - instead of running round
the treadmills of workhouses labouring under grandiose misconceptions,
pursuing receding delusions of greedy acquisitiveness and addicted to
unending more, while the world burns around us.
the dawn of this bright new millennium most of the planet is still
sectioned up and fenced off by dynastically minded territorial elites.
‘Jobs for the boys’ is a ubiquitous program. Joining the nepotism may
seem the only way to survive in waspish vespiaries of prestigious
privilege that freely feed off the desperate poverty of entire
personality cults predominate in a majority of the planet’s nations,
including many supposedly democratic countries, such as those found
across most of Asia (the Koreas, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, the
Gulf states and most of the Middle East, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and
the various Himalayan satrapies, for instance); most of Africa,
Melanesia and the Pacific Islands are controlled by similarly inclined
class-conscious elitist minorities.
all these feudal fiefdoms vast rural and industrial estates,
inheritable political seats and positions of power are held in the
custody of a few illustriously connected families. The hereditary
succession of ultimate power is only marginally less obvious across the
rest of the world, including most notional nation states in Europe, the
Americas, in Russia and China - all run by particularly effective
gangster elites who remain in the wings, manipulating levers from behind
veiling curtains.
perpetuate themselves in all fields of human endeavour. Artless
actors, gormless industrialists, inbred unroyal families, brain-dead
rhetoricians and insufferable politicians all suck at the teat of the
rest of humankind and are rewarded with the most pleasantly formed and
sweetest tasting fruits. Dwarfed by their own charisma, narcissists see
nothing wrong in elevating projected images of themselves – their
children – above all others who fail to mirror them faithfully. Insecure
narcissists hold dominion over the orb of the Earth and over the minds
of the witless by virtue of sheer unalloyed greedy wilfulness; a level
of insecurity unattainable by less acquisitive people.
most absurd myths are projected to cover their tracks, bald faced lies
told by self obsessed infallible experts, gullible pedants and
careless pundits. It’s hardly news, or new, and totally unsubtle;
ongoing insult gleefully added to perpetual injury.
monarchs, kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, rich industrialists,
greedy capitalists, dynastic rulers of so-called democratic nations and
all their cozened relatives are particularly conscious of real or
imagined rank and ancestral familial connexions. Many even claim
authority over their little carved up slice of paradise by dint of
anciently handwritten edicts or pronouncements of a parental god, a
prince of peace or motherly goddess.
or not today’s movers and shakers are the direct lineage or by-blow
bastards of some Divine Line, they continue to be shovers and makers,
enduring in a decidedly primitive half-arsed fashion; but they continue
to dominate nonetheless. The only way out of a work-bound prison cell
in their ubiquitous caste system is to assert one’s personal
All religion is simply a region with a li(e)
in it, though rare kernels of enlightening practices and information
can sometimes be gleaned from the propagandist husks of their
superstitious dross. Each individual holds the key to consciousness
everlasting. Admission to divine consciousness, real liberty and true
awareness is always freely available. No-one and nothing else can
bestow, guarantee or offer us mind, body, spirit or soul. You can only
do it for yourself through a process of relentless self examination -
cultivating a discerning clarity of judgement and a compassionate heart,
by listening to the signals reverberating in the inner silence.
we keep our children free of prattling priesthoods and fear-mongering
superstitions, freed from the yoke of bygone feudal ages and all
superannuated hatred-riddled divisions of castes and races, classes and
guilds, we’ll witness the dawn of an unimaginably better world. At
heart we’re really a very cooperative species whose survival requires
that we place competitive thinking on the backburner where it belongs.
Competitions always result in entrainment to failure for most and a
short lived pyrrhic victory for a few, reinforcing the primal default
pack structure state and crippling everyone in a disempowering process
of divide and conquer; a simple mass entrainment for war.
pretensions to the contrary our self-styled illustrious leadership
cadres are not a naturally dominant fixture. Kings and queens and other
robber barons are no more or less the grandchildren of providential
deities than everyone else. Imprisoned by tradition, competition or
expectation, self-styled elites are often no more free than any other
time bound hard worker, and always have to keep one eye on their backs.
Like everyone else they are truly the paradoxical offspring of
egregious tyrants and submissive serfs.
are all born into an era of emerging consciousness from dark ages of
battling schisms, slowly awakening from an interminable aeon of hideous
nightmares welded by dire necessity to hopeful dreams. Bred to suit
antique eras, our civilisations are currently manifest results of rapine
warrior killers, preying on fearful maids and youths forced to forfeit
lives and progeny into slavery for handfuls of transient pottage, if
they were lucky. Slavery has been a dominating influence throughout most
of history. After millennia of brutal abuse, obedience and surrender
have become favourable survival traits in a species carefully
conditioned into castes and classes.
can always act as less domesticated native peoples sometimes do when
they free themselves from the tyranny of an egocentric minority; show
collective contempt and disapproval for those who would make up our
minds and decide our lives for us by turning backs or backsides on the
greedy and not working for their ends - all at once so that none may be
singled out for unfair punishment. Yes, we can – but only together,
leaving all narrowed visions of us and them behind. We can even find a
place for the lonely old paranoid silverback apes, when everyone’s
really free.
Amidst our diversity we’re all the same
newborn innocent peering through a multitude of half-dazed eyes,
dazzled into fractious fractal factions by the bright light of dawning
awareness. We are cruelly divided against self and selves by
hamstringing mentalities of conquest and territory. No call to arms,
bloodstained revolution or flash firefight can help us now, on a
volatile planet rapidly filling with the gaseous fumes of affluent
effluence. Non-violent thought and peaceful deed are traits and tools we
surely need if we’re to thrive in a crowded house on a brave new world
- keys to human evolution, first steps in the ongoing conscious
attainment of real mental freedom and global harmony. We are the foetal
form of tomorrow, shifting, warping and growing towards a new gnosis of
the world and growing the seed of a freshened self starts with
examining the movements of mind and listening to heart and body, and if
you keep it up the rest flows on from there. Enlightenment grows
through darkness and silence, and the seed innately senses the easiest
routes to freedom and sustenance. Life bends to the light and bends the
light to its needs.
thing is interlinked in a living fractal hologram. Our awareness
actually manifests and alters the world from moment to moment; this is
no new age aphorism but a major tenet of modern (and postmodern)
physics. Behind the veiling distractions and illuminations of daily
word-based thought are infinitely faster modes of communication and
information retrieval. Your mind is part of an infinite faceted jewel,
not apart but a whole in a boundless crystalline structure and you have
an inner form of access to everything you can imagine or desire.
is an implicate realm. Access to any feature requires nothing more
than a genuine realisation that the world is truly an essentially
magical, wilfully synchronistic, transcendently coinciding consensus
reality. One simply has to accept that so-called psychic abilities like
telepathy and telekinesis are possible before any substantive evidence
will appear - or appear admissible to a cautiously sceptical mind.
sustain higher awareness we need only maintain the perseverance and
focus of confidently sensitive souls, and grow to regard every one and
every thing including you, the one who’s focusing on this right here and
now - each of our selves - with compassion and clarity. We can tune in
on signals and meaning emanating from everywhere and all the time in a
synchronistic pattern of self-directed guidance, to home in on freely
chosen destinations.
one is everyone, implicately convolved with all things, times and
places at the crossover point betwixt eyes and ears, the sesame-sized
seed at the centre of our brains. A blossoming flower of concentrated
power grows from your deepest core. We don’t need to reach out and take
it. We already have it when we stop, look and listen.
all have a chance at to change our minds and natures at every moment.
You can plant the seed of ongoing awakening at any instant and a
guiding light always arises in response, within and without, ready to
nurture a ripening soul. We can dream up entirely new probabilities to
inhabit and fabricate through thoughts, words and deeds, working amid
new consensual consensuses instead of replicating dangerous outmoded
hierarchical death traps. We can wish up anything at all with just a
thought, so be careful what you wish for; paradise for all would be a
good start.
If our species remains lucky and healthy,
wealthy and wise, hopeful, diverse and compassionate we may continue
to endure and have much to be glad of. Yet we’ve not achieved any
summit of evolution but are merely perfected for our time, readying
ourselves to ascend to another level in a life-nurturing tree of self
knowledge, reaching wider and deeper perspectives in a higher realm of
human species exists in separate clumps at varied stages of maturity
and alertness, and many differing states of consciousness always coexist
within any evolving group. Change agents arise to stir the mix and
rouse more dozy sleepers to the fire that threatens to consume them all;
they’re usually derided and jeered for their efforts by grumpy late
wakers, who hold tight to fantasias in comforting cocoons.
a flood tide of change sweeps though every body, sleepers stir and the
wakening sentinel mind of humankind becomes filled with an unvoiced
presentiment of undeniable immanence. A multitude of destinies are
converging on the selfsame crossover point when the spark will
spontaneously ignite – not in a conflagration of the world but in a
grand conjunction of all our most heartfelt intent, for better and
focus creates and requires a certain integrity that avoids the lies.
Conventions and convenient omissions serve to maintain submission to
brutalising rule. Mindful attention dissolves the mindless servility
entrained into an inherently noble, laudably rebellious, wildly wilful
yet cooperative species – who, when allowed a choice and a little
breathing space and accurate information, will almost invariably
denounce injustice and administer themselves admirably. Almost everyone
really just wants to live in peace with friends and loved ones, and to
work and play in harmony; few wish to live alone, whether at the bottom
of a well or the top of a tree.
the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king. All monomaniacal
worldly potentates and cultish religious fantasists believe they’re the
natural masters of ‘their’ populations, whom they fatten like stupid
cattle destined only for work, consumption, replication and death. Their
possessions and gifts are all stolen goods, tainted by misery and
destruction – but the top of the food chain is a precarious perch.
akin to cannibals, they and their desensitised serfs thoughtlessly sup
on the corpses of blithely murdered sensitive creatures, sentient
beings whose innocent worthiness passes unrecognised. But both consumer
and prey are more than loosely related and the killer by proxy eats
death at their peril, riven with anguishing hormonal signals of pain
and the deathly fears and death-dealing by-products of their terrified
farming is the cheapest, most profitable and most environmentally
destructive way to feed unwary and undiscerning populations, but it
comes at a heavy cost in human lifespan and awareness, and in planetary
health. Everything’s here for a reason. And all the while much of
humankind goes malnourished for want of clean wholesome food stuffed
into castrated, tortured and chemically poisoned livestock. It’s a
beastly way to live and die for all concerned.
all the products and gewgaws produced by the tepid imaginings of
brutish overlords and creating whatever foodstuffs, materials,
technologies, power, entertainments and entrainments you can for
yourself and all others is a true path to freedom. You can’t feed on the
past or erase its errors, and we all need each other to thrive in the gift of the present and future. If one has no fear, then despite all appearances a multitude of solutions abound and appear to dissolve all apparent problems.
Raise children free,
whole, hearty, healthy, compassionate and wise by your everyday deeds.
Kids listen and learn if the telling is true. Raise them up, to
question everything – even, especially, the dictates of their elders,
for innocent unsullied senses know the lie of the land far better than
those which have long been adulterated. They sense more than their
elders, intuitively and innately. One may well wish to kneel before no
man, woman or god, but there’s no pastime more worthy than getting on
your knees or crouching in a curtsey to listen to a child.
Humans grow up free and sensitive, unblunted by state or parentally
sanctioned violence or dominance, pointless competition, stupid
specialisation, class or caste trappings and gormless enslavement, we’ll
all behold a bold new world that confounds and transcends our fondest
imaginings – for all our old dreams were rooted in the soil of a
multitude of past wrongs and mistakes; millennia of empirical research
on a steeply rising curve toward the light. The emerging world of
tomorrow today is an unprecedented paradigm shift.
our minds and our children and we’ll see truly universal people in a
recovering green world, capable of anything but heartless ill will and
egotistic destruction. We’ll see better versions of our truest selves in the oncoming generations, ourselves as we could have been and may yet be. If we take the time to examine our selves
and learn what truly motivates our everyday thoughts and actions we
may become as free and grand as our children already are. You’re the
only one who can do it. Learning never stops, unless and until you’re
dead or utterly moribund, or hopelessly entrenched in the ubiquitous
brainwashing of prideful self neglect.
The world is on fire and almost everyone’s asleep, yet the world is a
collective creation. Together we can recreate paradise on Earth,
wherever we may be today. The place to start change in the self and the
world is astir in the quiet core. Silence brings a fuller awareness of
who and what we truly are, connected to all of life and being. We can
achieve nothing of consequence apart and alone if we wish to survive the
times which are surely coming - excepting perhaps for enlightenment.
to hope with a genuine heart and hope becomes a factor in the apparent
disorder of events. Each person is sovereign and all bear the crown of
creation. We have enough time yet to do and become what we want and
need to, and the best is yet to come.
Dare to dream of paradise for all. Turn on. Tune in. Opt out.
- R.A.

are two kinds of musicians. When the first kind is tuning their
instrument they have to focus all their attention on the task; the other
kind tunes in while maintaining attention on everything else.’
- Anonymous informant
“I always wondered whether god really existed and if he did - is he everything or did he create everything?”
- A seven year old child
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